Exhibition plays a key role in photography to showcase the art of individual and also create a strong bond within the community.

NISCP will never organize a exhibition directly as per the policy. But NISCP supports all types of exhibitions and competitions, conducted by individuals, clubs or communities. We always wish to be a part of exhibitions across the globe so that we can encourage organizers and also participants, by providing maximum benefits/discounts.

On a similar note we will encourage participants should be a part of a club as clubs play a vital role in the development of any individual artist.

NISCP community believes that group culture created a new dimension in salon/circuit participations but on the same, the clubs provide a vital boost as a part of learning and also  provide a great platform to interact, review and help to learn the correct way of participating in different patronages and to be a distinction holder with guidance of a senior photographer.

As a part of a photo artist community we regularly provide and share the salon/circuit details in our FACEBOOK page, and also in our WHATSAPP group (maintaining our principle & group ethics) and also support Individual/ community exhibitions across the globe.

International Exhibitions

Admins share the international exhibitions' details as per the organizer's email in the NISCP forum and maintain the checklist about the details along with the feedback from the participants and also try to stay connected with the organizers for future participations.

National Exhibitions

As NISCP is an India based community and we have a dedicated admin who are responsible for managing the national exhibitions under FIP patronage. We try to encourage the group/club participation to support the national participations.


NISCP community has its own patronage, distinction and honor. We have created this patronage to encourage more participations at a reasonable cost. Organizer & Participants both will be benefited as the acceptances and awards will have an additional benefit while applying for the NISCP distinctions and honors.
Patronage Recognition Number : Year/NISCP/XXX
(Changes will be implemented from 1st January 2025)

Example : 2024/NISCP/001

To know more about fees & medal design, kindly drop us a email at : contact.niscp@gmail.com or you can click on the button for direct message.


We respect your views, but NISCP community has its own ethics and principles and we are in no way going to compromise for anyone.

We really respect your views and appreciate the way everyone is showing their immense support. We believe we have 4 pillars which has make us different from every one.

  • Our Principles
  • Our Ethics
  • Our Team and
  • Our Relation – with participants & organizers

Its our humble request, we are not going to compromise on our principles and ethics. We really appreciate if organizer don’t give special benefit to any groups/clubs/participants and if you find any of the NISCP team members are asking for special award/acceptance/discount in fees, kindly do report to the NISCP escalation team and if we find it is true, he/she will be removed from the community without a second thought.

On a similar note we will request all the participants not to share any information to any other groups. If we find that the NISCP information/posting format is getting shared outside the NISCP community, the NISCP will remove the such participants from the group and RED lists the participants for the future.

Organizers are requested not to provide any other additional discount to other groups other than that you have provided to NISCP group, as its a trust which is the core in a relation and we wish the same from all the organizers.

On the same note, if we loose our trust then NISCP community believes that we should not go ahead in future also.

Hope you all will understand that we are trying to create a community which supports clean photography and that’s the reason NISCP community will not be asking for any additional benefits like other groups that are operating from INDIA.