National International Salon Circuit Participations

Keep Clicking, Participate, Share your Knowledge & Enjoy…!!!

Motive is very simple – To encourage passion for photography in all possible ways along with social work.

The major task of NISCP is to promote different exhibitions across the globe and also encourage Club/Group culture as we believe that Club/Group is the foundation of anyone who want to take photography as their passion or profession.

A true artist knows how to convert a 2-D image into 3-D image with perspective, story and emotion. An image not only speaks thousand words but also tells many details about the artist who is behind the camera and the effort an artist gave to create a masterpiece on its own.

NISCP community is a place where we want to bring out these artists who want to showcase them in the world of photography, want to create a family where we treat everyone with respect (not like a commodities, what other communities are doing for their self benefit, and killing club culture) and also want to give a platform to the organizers where they don’t have to compromise their dignity for participants, for running their exhibition successfully.

But NISCP don’t encourage any type of unfair and unethical practices and we will request the organizers and participants not to support such practices.

Enjoy your passion, and encourage photography.

Hope you all will support this novel journey and NISCP family will grow forever !!!

Sorry, but we won't encourage unethical scenario

As in the past and also in the future, we won’t encourage unethical scenario which encourage selling or buying of participants or force organizer to compromise in any way.

We believe we all are here to encourage photography and our love for it.

“Be a good human first, any one can be a good photographer today or tomorrow” – Mr. Tapas Basu Sir

Hope you all will agree and support us. Let us come together and make it a place to enjoy our passion for photography.

Our Effort

We Encourage…!!!